Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Studying and Things

Took a shot of my neighbors cat while laying in the sun studying this afternoon. Honestly I shouldn't be studying (shocker!) I should actually get my rear in gear with an exam I need to take today.

**Procrastination Perspective** 
Listen I live in the Pacific Northwest and if the sun is out it is instantly a regional holiday. And I WAS studying after all. It's not like I was goofing off (like I am now)...

I am out for the summer in less than a month and I still have two modules left! I am very excited about this new blog and some of my upcoming opportunities. I hope to start moving toward a more active YouTube and Blogging life as soon as class ends. But for now I must settle for being little ol' boring me.

See you all out there in cyberspace!!

Monday, May 16, 2011


Well this is it. I'm a blogger, oh the thrill...
As if enough of my life wasn't spent on the computer (I'm an Online Student). Never mind tallyho, onward toward sleepless nights!
Actually I have been meaning to keep a better journal recently and I do believe this is the best way to remedy that situation.
But Recently I have been all too fascinated with social media, as a law enforcement student the idea that all of humanity can instantly connect and split, with the simple taps of a couple keys, is mind blowing.
For years law enforcement has responded to incidents where the two parties involved are connected through real physical injuries or property damages, but just imagine the day (I might have to even deal with this!) When an officer of the law logs in to break up a blogging war between two disagreeing users.
In an age where people are checking out and plugging in what will happen to law enforcement? What will happen to the way we communicate? And most importantly what is going to happen to us?